Friday, March 16, 2012

back in the swing of things

Hey all!
An update on the craziness that has been going on lately:

Shane returned from IFS safe and sound, and quicker than expected. He did great! A few of the instructor pilot's (IP) he had said that he was impressive. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers...we asked for His favor over Shane and He heard us.

Shane got back and things hit the ground running. Visiting both families and getting things ready to come back to Del Rio. We even got to stay a few extra days because of the President's Day holiday. Hanging out with everyone was great, as always. But we were excited to head back here and get things going. Shane doesn't start undergraduate pilot training (UPT) until March 12th, and I don't start substitute teaching until the 22nd, so we are just having fun hanging out as a family until then.
I had a few projects in mind in our down time, so here's what we've got so far:

Shane wanted to built something while I worked on (part II) my never-ending curtains project. We had a blank wall in our living room that I really wanted a table for. So, this is what he came up with :)

The picture is a little blurry looking at it now, but you get the gist of it. He did great! I'm working on getting it decorated still and will update when we have it all worked out! He made it from scratch! So proud of my man. 

Okay, now on to my project of the year. Mercy. As you might have read earlier, I had a curtains project. I spend 5 or so hours on that one, and there was 3 panels remaining. However, I noticed that my iron-on method wasn't as successful as I had hoped. After actually using the curtains, the iron-on began to separate from the actual curtain panel. As you can imagine, I was not happy. 5 hours seemed to be wasted. The only other option I felt that I had was to sew the panels together. Luckily, Shane was going to IFS so I had a month or so to work on them at my parent's house using my moms sewing machine.
My eyes were bigger than my...ability. When I arrived in Allen I began sewing almost immediately because I was so excited. Shortly after I began I realized I didn't really know how to sew. What could be so tough about it? Plenty. So after twelve hours; yes, twelve hours, I was finished. With ONE panel. Ridiculous. Within that time I realized I have no patience, no desire to finish, and no striped curtain panels. I gave up.
When Shane returned from IFS, I only had one panel to show for it, and it was terrible craftsmanship. I wasn't proud. Luckily, my beautiful cousin JoAnn gave me a beginner sewing machine a few months ago. We got back and I saw my empty windows and I suddenly had more determination to finish the panels. So that's what I did while Shane built our table. Sew, sew, patience, sew. Patience, sew.
And here's the end result:

Measuring and cutting the black fabric into strips to sew onto the white curtain panels:
 Pinning the ribbon I chose to hem the edges of each stripe of black:

And carefully sewing each stripe onto the white panels:
Here's the end result: 

They were worth the time! I love the way they turned out. I'll think my projects through a little more practically next time. 

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