Saturday, January 7, 2012

all the single ladies...

What a funny picture. This was in September of 2010...Who would've guessed I would have a ring on my finger in less than a year from then! 

This is a post that I'm writing for all of my single ladies. I know that we are only two months into our marriage, but I already feel that the Lord is using it in mighty mighty (bostones) ways to refine me. And so, this post is (mostly) for my single lady friends that await their cowboy :) 

I hear (and hear about) young ladies who can't wait to be married. It's a beautiful, God-given thing! So yes, be excited. However, in your excitement, unbridled expectations will become be careful to watch over your heart with all diligence :). I'll give a little of my personal experience...

My expectations of marriage were unbridled...because my relationship with the Lord was on the outs (for lack of a better word) at the time. I was NOT putting my hope, joy, sorrows etc at the feet of the Lord. Instead, I was so quick to run to Shane for these things. Now- I know, I know. All of you are thinking "duh! girlfriend you are crazy, I would never do that. I know the Lord is my Rock." Don't be so quick to think that. I didn't realize the state I was in until I listened to a sermon while I was working out called Substance Over Shadows from the Village Church. And like usual, Holy Spirit hit me like whoa! and I knew that He was trying to speak to me about my marriage...even though Matt Chandler didn't begin preaching about marriage in the beginning. And then once I realized and repented for my mindset, (Shane was an idol! hello!) I was able to let the Lord speak over me about marriage and about Himself. And that my marriage with Shane is just a shadow. A shadow of what is to come. That "it’s God desiring to
write on the canvas of creation that He loves us, that He is in pursuit of us and that He
longs to be with us. So He puts it in the heart of man to pursue the woman."

B e a u t i f u l   T r u t h . 

So even though I'm married to Shane, and there is this beautiful thing growing, its all to point me to Jesus. It's not for me, but for God and His glory. 

This might not make sense to anyone but me...I might be rambling at this point. But that's okay, because I know the point of my marriage isn't me, its God. To point me to Christ. So Shane cannot be my substance, but the shadow of my substance. Shane can't completely satisfy me, because you cant embrace the shadow and be satisfied. You need the Substance. 


  1. Great Tyler. Love that you shared this. So true! and wonderful that you are already learning and seeing this so early in...

  2. I LOVE how you worded this whole entry! I was completely lost for such a long time and I think you are so lucky and mature to have figured this out in such an early stage of your marriage. You have to keep that in perspective in order to feel complete happiness and be able to be the best wife to your husband and vice versa. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I'm so happy for you and your cowboy!


