Thursday, June 14, 2012

i've got a green thumb

A while back Shane and I decided it would be a fun project for me to get a garden going. What I really wanted was a veggie garden, but I didn't want to poison us or anything so I decided to start out with a plain 'ol flower garden before going on to bigger and better things.
So I researched what flowers worked best in dry, hot, hot climate and found pretty ones. I wrote them down and went to the local gardening "store" and low and behold: none of the ones I researched were there. So on to plan B: I just picked out pretty plants...good idea? We shall find out! 

Here's what the garden looks like when we first put them in: 

So there's the beginning. The top one blooms a pretty yellow bell looking flower (its called esperanza), the middle is actually poisonous (who knew) but its pretty red and white flowers, then the bottom one is called plumbago or something and its violet/blue flowers. Oh and I picked out calla lilies because I love them. PRETTY!

We decided that the brown dirt was ugly, so we added mulch and made a border with rocks. Here's what the garden is looking like now: 

calle lilies :)



all looking pretty together!

I think the mulch was a nice touch. You can't see the rocks but there's about a million. Did I mention Shane carried them in a duffle bag on his back? What a man!

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